Recordatorio / Disclaimer
As a disclaimer. Each and every of the photos has been reduced from the original size (for faster uploading). The mobile photos originally are 1632x1224 pixels in size and the ones from the digital camera are 3488x2616 pixels in size. I used a different format for displaying the pics, instead of blogger's (that's why they open in a new window), meaning so that, the first time you enter the site, is very heavy, because you're dowloading 36 MB plus worth of photos. But it has it's advantage, once in cache, you can see the pics instanly. One last thing, if you liked a pic in particular, ask for it via MSN or in a comment (anonymous is a go go), just tell me the name of the pic. DSC is the prefix for the mobile phone and DSCF for the camera, followed by the picture number as sufix. Each and every photo was reduced using a third party program. Anyway, enjoy!! As a funny remark, Blogger detected my blog as a spam blog... hahahaha xD just because of that many photos hehe.