Lies during sunset

Friday, January 19, 2007

Nissan Frontier (with Vortech engine) vs Corvette (with Borla system)

Mi mejor corrida en el Corvette, estrenando un nuevo sistema de escape. La Nissan Frontier contra la que corrí, trae un motor Vortech 350 (5.7 litros) Chevrolet... con un nada despreciable tiempo de 15.388@145.39 con reacción de .753 contra mi 14.215@155.33 con reacción de .761. Lamentablemente, el ticket salío muy borroso para que sea legible. :(

That's my best run on the Corvette, with my brand new exhaust system. The Nissan Frontier that raced me, has a Vortech 350 (5.7 liters) Chevrolet engine... with the not-bad time of 15.388@90.86MPH with a .753 reaction time against my 14.215@97.08MPH with a .761 reaction time. Sadly, the time slip was so blurry, to be readable. :(

Saturday, January 06, 2007

For all you haters...

Después de tanto que me ha pasado... (ese desastrozo 2006)... que en general... es una derrota... y emm, el que tenga este blog... demuestra que no puedo, sin soltar los sentimientos atrapados que tengo... en fin... para no darle más vueltas al asunto... solo recuerdo una frase, de cuyo autor no recuerdo y dice:
"nunca patees un hombre cuando esté tirado... se puede levantar"
Nada puede ejemplificar más mi momento, ahorita. Solo sé, que debo echarle ganas.

After all I've been through... (that disastrous 2006)... actually... it's a defeat... and emm, me having this blog... just proves that I can't, I can't anymore without showing my inner feelings... anyway... I'll stop wandering around and come my senses... is that, just a single phrase is all I need, whose author I can't remember and says:
"never kick a fallen man... he can get up"
I think that nothing can't simplify my actual moments. I just know, that I have to move on.