La Masacre de Virginia
Pues bien... en base a muchas cosas, quisiera comentar sobre lo sucedido con la gente que murío hace poco en el Estado Virginia de Estados Unidos. Qué triste, que pese a la situación política que vive ese país, todavía le echen más leña al fuego, con esas muertes trágicas. Pues bien... ni hablar, el sur Coreano ya logró su cometido, vivir por los tiempos por venir, en la infamia. Es triste que aún con tanta alerta y/o señal, nada se hizo para prevenir esto. Mi corazón está con esas 33 familias, porque aún gente como él, debío tener familia.
Well then... regarding a lot of stuff, I would love to comment about what happened with the people that died on Virginia state, of the United States. It's tragic, even though the stressed political situation that pegs on that country, and still toss more wood the already burning fire, with those tragic deaths. Well then... there's nothing much to say, that south-Korean got what he wanted, to be larger than life, in the infamy. It's also sad, that given the warning and/or signals, nothing was done to prevent this. My heart it's with those 33 families, because even people like him, has to had a family.
Well then... regarding a lot of stuff, I would love to comment about what happened with the people that died on Virginia state, of the United States. It's tragic, even though the stressed political situation that pegs on that country, and still toss more wood the already burning fire, with those tragic deaths. Well then... there's nothing much to say, that south-Korean got what he wanted, to be larger than life, in the infamy. It's also sad, that given the warning and/or signals, nothing was done to prevent this. My heart it's with those 33 families, because even people like him, has to had a family.