Lies during sunset

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I've just got the upper hand...

Still denying the obvious? I told you I'll be the better man. No matter, as I said before, I won't rest on my laurels. Keep fighting this, keep walking away from this, you know where you'll end up eventually. It's not my idea that this has to happend, nor it's my intention on letting go... just don't push yourself to hard, because you're already getting burn out, so stop it, already. I've always wanted the best for me and my friends, I'm not selfish... but that's how you see me, that's your bad, your own fault in lack of an open mind, keep doing this, keep pushing people away, I'm certain I'm not the first, and definitively not the last. So why don't we save all this crap? Why don't we return to our initial state? Talk it out... don't blame others of speaking their minds, specially if concerns you and your well being. Anyway, I guess this is who've you been the last year and I refused to believe so. When you're ready... get ready to handle your own truth, because I'm ready for what you have to say or do. Don't start something you can't end.


  • I envy you, the way you feel so secure of your change and of facing what will come, the shit others can give you and your own demons.

    I wish I were so strong....

    By Blogger Charlotte Corday, at 9:18 PM  

  • Ariel means "Earth's great Lord or Shining Earth" Ariel is the guardian of visions dreams and prophecy.Is known as the angel of mystery Assists Raphael in healing the children of the Goddess, is an angel who appears to have "risen and fallen" several times

    Ariel is in charge of natural phenomena such as tornadoes,thunderstorms, hurricanes, volcanoes and earthquakes, but be aware ariel is another terminator angel and is more agressive in his handeling of offenders, he enjoys roasting the evil ones, is also the overseer of all nature spirits, holds the keys to the fairy kingdom.

    Y entonces Ariel elige ir con Luzbel, Abdiel trato de detenerle pero el León de Dios usaría el poder del rayo, y el fuego para vencerle. Fue así que Ariel ocupó un lugar junto a Lucifer como comandante del ejercito de demonios.

    Cuando Samhain se acerca y el portal está abierto en solo una noche Ariel esta ahí para guiar a su ejercito a donde haya deseo de destrucción o venganza.

    By Blogger Charlotte Corday, at 1:23 PM  

  • It isn't something to brag about... but I manage to see the best way to prevent of something bad to happend, when all is diminished to crap, I know it is not my fault... because, I won't give up on anything. But when things get ugly, and there's no return... I'll chose myself over anything. It's hard... and it's hard to be me, sometimes... but I wouldn't want it anyother way... I'm my best friend and my worst foe... and I love it that way.

    By Blogger Fox Luthor, at 6:08 PM  

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